Search Results for: VERT

no evidence

no evidence. 1. The lack of a legally sufficient evidentiary basis for a reasonable fact-finder to rule in favor of the party who bears the burden of proof (there is no evidence in the record about his whereabouts at midnight). • Under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, a party can move for judgment as

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granger cases

Granger Cases (grayn-j[schwa]r). Six U.S. Supreme Court decisions that affirmed the government’s right to regulate fees charged by common carriers, warehouses, and grain elevators. • The cases, decided in 1876, arose out of grangers’ (i.e., farmers’) frustration with the inflated prices they were paying to store and transport their agricultural products. Several state legislatures passed

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estrange, vb. 1. To separate, to keep away (a person or thing), or to keep away from (a person or thing). 2. To destroy or divert affection, trust, and loyalty. — estrangement, n.

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litem suam facere

litem suam facere (lI-tem s[y]oo-[schwa]m fay-s[schwa]-ree). [Latin “to make a suit one’s own”] Roman law. (Of a judex) to fail in his official duty through imprudence, such as not adhering to the formula, or not following due procedure. • This failure amounted to misconduct in the judex’s duties, and a litigant was given a private

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price-fixing n. 〈美〉价格固定 为某一商品涨价、降价、定价、限价或稳定价格之目的且具有该效果而组成的联合。由竞争的厂商合作固定价格水平或范围,但自然的市场力量则不会如此。此类协议违反了《谢尔曼反托拉斯法》〔Sherman Antitrust Act〕。该法规定的价格固定有两种:水平价格固定和垂直价格固定。前者指竞争者之间的协议,如竞争之零售商之间的协议;后者旨在控制零售价格,如制造商与零售商之间的协议。州律师协会提出并执行的最低收费表亦属于《谢尔曼反托拉斯法》禁止的价格固定行为。 (→horizontal price-fixing; resale price maintenance; vertical price-fixing contract)

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