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Locke King’s Act

Locke King’s Act 〈英〉《洛克·金法》 指1854年的《不动产负担法》〔Real Estate Charges Act〕,因提议通过该项法案的议员名叫洛克·金而得名。1867年和1877年对此法进行了两次修改。该法规定,当某人去世时享有被设置了抵押权或其它类似负担的某种地产权益,且本人也未作相反表示,则他的继承人或受遗赠人无权以他的动产性遗产来清偿负担——但过去的规则则允许这种做法——而必须以地产来作抵押或偿付。1925年的《遗产管理法》〔Administration of Estates Act〕将此规则扩展到各种形式的动产和不动产。 (→exoneration;marshalling assets)

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habitation. 1. The act of inhabiting; occupancy. 2. A dwelling place; a domicile. 3. Civil law. A nontransferable and nonheritable right to dwell in the house of another. La. Civ. Code art. 630. See RESIDENCE; DOMICILE. Cf. USUFRUCT.

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legal ethics

legal ethics 律师职业道德 指律师的职业行为应符合最低限度的可接受的标准,即在对待当事人、同行和法院的行为方面应遵守相应的义务和惯例。如律师应尽量维护其当事人的利益;应当协助而不是误导法庭;不得同时代理两个利益冲突的当事人;对当事人告诉他的事项应严格保密;不得以广告招揽业务等。英格兰的律师总会〔General Association of the Bar〕和美国的美国律师协会〔American Bar Association〕在规范律师遵守职业道德方面起着重要作用。在美国,大多数州已采用了美国律师协会制定的《模范律师职业行为规则》〔Model Rules of Professional Conduct〕。

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publici juris

publici juris (p[schwa]b-li-sIjoor-is), adj. [Latin] Of public right; of importance to or available to the public (a city holds title to its streets as property publici juris) (words that are in general or common use and that are merely descriptive are publici juris and cannot be appropriated as a trademark).

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supreme court

supreme court. 1. (cap.) SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 2. An appellate court existing in most states, usu. as the court of last resort. [Cases: Courts 91(1). C.J.S. Courts §§ 151–152, 167–168.] 3. In New York, a court of general jurisdiction with trial and appellate divisions. • The Court of Appeals is the court

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eight corners rule

eight-corners rule. Insurance. The principle that a liability insurer’s duty to defend its insured — generally triggered if the plaintiff’s claims against the insured are within the policy’s coverage — is assessed by reviewing the claims asserted in the plaintiff’s complaint, without reference to matters outside the four corners of the complaint plus the four

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parol evidence rule

Contracts. The common-law principle that a writing intended by the parties to be a final embodiment of their agreement cannot be modified by evidence of earlier or contemporaneous agreements that might add to, vary, or contradict the writing. • This rule usu. operates to prevent a party from introducing extrinsic evidence of negotiations that occurred

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receivership. 1. The state or condition of being in the control of a receiver. [Cases: Corporations 552, 621(.5); Receivers 1. C.J.S. Corporations § 756; Receivers§§ 1–3.] 2. The position or function of being a receiver appointed by a court or under a statute. 3. A proceeding in which a court appoints a receiver. ancillary receivership.

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