Search Results for: FREIGHT

motor carrier act

Motor Carrier Act. A federal statute, originally enacted in 1935 (49 USCA §§ 502–507), subjecting commercial motor carriers of freight and passengers in interstate commerce to the regulations of the Interstate Commerce Commission, now the U.S. Department of Transportation. • The Act was repealed in the 1980s. [Cases: Automobiles 60. C.J.S. Motor Vehicles §§ 107–108, […]

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cargo. Goods transported by a vessel, airplane, or vehicle; FREIGHT(1). general cargo. Goods and materials of various types transported by carriers, often in a common load, with few or no restrictions. hazardous cargo. Dangerous goods or materials whose carriage is usu. subject to stringent regulatory and statutory restrictions.

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tonnage (t[schwa]n-ij). 1. The capacity of a vessel for carrying freight or other loads, calculated in tons. — Also termed net tonnage. [Cases: Shipping 7. C.J.S. Shipping §§ 18–20.] 2. The total shipping tonnage of a country or port. 3. See tonnage duty under DUTY(4).

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pro rata itineris

pro rata itineris (proh ray-t[schwa] I-tin-[schwa]-ris). [Latin] Scots law. For the proportion of the journey. “Where a ship, chartered to convey a cargo to a certain port … is prevented from completing the voyage … the master of the ship may transship the goods, and thus conveying them to their destination, earn his full freight.

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voyage. Maritime law. The passing of a vessel by sea from one place, port, or country to another. • Courts generally hold that the term includes the entire enterprise, not just the route. [Cases: Shipping 165. C.J.S. Shipping §§ 395–397.] foreign voyage. A voyage to a port or place within the territory of a foreign

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Incoterm (in[g]-koh-t[schwa]rm). A standardized shipping term, defined by the International Chamber of Commerce, that apportions the costs and liabilities of international shipping between buyers and sellers. See EX WORKS; COST, INSURANCE, AND FREIGHT ; COST AND FREIGHT; COST, INSURANCE, AND FREIGHT; FREE ALONGSIDE SHIP ; FREE CARRIER; FREE ON BOARD. [Cases: Shipping 104. C.J.S. Shipping

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c.a.f. Cost, assurance, and freight. • This term is synonymous with C.I.F. [Cases: Sales 201(4). C.J.S. Sales §§ 224–227.] “[I]n a French contract the term ‘C.A.F.’ does not mean ‘Cost and Freight’ but has exactly the same meaning as the term ‘C.I.F.,’ since it is merely the French equivalent of that term. The ‘A’ does

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