Search Results for: future interest

risk factor

risk factor. Insurance. In life-insurance ratemaking, the estimated cost of present and future claims, based on a mortality table. • The risk factor is one element that a life insurer uses to calculate premium rates. See PREMIUM RATE . Cf. INTEREST FACTOR; MORTALITY FACTOR. [Cases: Insurance 1542. C.J.S. Insurance § 67.]

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communication. 1. The expression or exchange of information by speech, writing, gestures, or conduct; the process of bringing an idea to another’s perception. 2. The information so expressed or exchanged. conditionally privileged communication. A defamatory statement made in good faith by a person with an interest in a subject to someone who also has an

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spread, n. 1. Banking. The difference between the interest rate that a financial institution must pay to attract deposits and the rate at which money can be loaned. 2. Securities. The difference between the highest price a buyer will pay for a security (the bid price) and the lowest price at which a seller will

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vested legacy

A legacy given in such a way that the legatee has a fixed, indefeasible right to its payment. • A legacy is said to be vested when the testator’s words making the bequest convey a transmissible interest, whether present or future, to the legatee. Thus, a legacy to be paid when the legatee reaches the

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