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levari facias

levari facias (l[schwa]-vair-Ifay-shee-[schwa]s). [Law Latin “that you cause to be levied”] A writ of execution ordering a sheriff to seize a judgment debtor’s goods and income from lands until the judgment debt is satisfied. • This writ is now used chiefly in Delaware. Cf. FIERI FACIAS. [Cases: Execution 15. C.J.S. Executions § 18.] levari facias […]

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tucker act

Tucker Act. A federal law enacted in 1887 to ameliorate the inadequacies of the original authority of the Court of Claims by extending that court’s jurisdiction to include (1) claims founded on the Constitution, a federal statute, or a federal regulation, and (2) damage claims in cases not arising in tort. [Cases: Federal Courts 1071.]

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arson n. (1)(普通法)放火罪;纵火罪 恶意焚烧他人的住宅或宅第内附属建筑。本罪构成要件有4个:1犯罪对像为住宅或附属建筑,犯罪客体为居住安全而非财产所有权;2焚烧的住宅或附属建筑为他人所有。如果该住宅或附属建筑物为自己所有,则不构成放火罪,但如果焚烧该住宅或附属建筑有危及四邻安全之虞的,则构成烧房罪〔house-burning〕;3在客观方面实施了焚烧行为;4在主观方面是恶意的。如果过失引起火灾烧燬了住宅的,则不构成放火罪。 (2)(制定法)放火罪;纵火罪 在现代成文法中,指恶意焚烧他人的或者自己的财产。在美国,《模范刑法典》〔Model Penal Code〕规定,旨在毁坏他人房屋或使用中的建筑物,或者为骗取财产保险金而毁坏或损害自己或他人的财产,而实施点火或者引起爆炸的,构成二级重罪。有些州将放火罪分为3个等级:一级放火罪指夜间放火烧住宅;二级放火罪指夜间放火烧有波及附近住宅之虞的其他建筑物;三级放火罪指一级二级以外的放火罪,或者为骗取保险金而点燃自己或他人的财产。放火罪属财产罪,如果放火者明知房屋内有人居住或者可能有人居住,而仍实施焚烧行为的,则构成放火罪的加重情节。如果造成他人死亡的,则同时构成杀人罪。至于是谋杀罪,还是非预谋杀人罪,则视具体案情而定。在英国,1971年《刑事损害法》〔Criminal Damage Act〕取消了普通法上的放火罪,而代之以制定法上的放火罪。它规定,对纵火罪可以判处终身监禁,但没有危及他人生命故意的放火罪可以适用简易审理。

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misdelivery. Delivery not according to contractual specifications; esp. delivery to the wrong person or delivery of goods in a damaged condition. • This concept applies to contracts of carriage and contracts of sale, lease, etc., requiring delivery in some form. [Cases: Carriers 93; Shipping 117. C.J.S. Carriers § 408; Shipping § 272.]

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breach of contract

breach of contract 违反合同;违约 没有合法根据而不履行构成合同全部或部分的允诺,通常表现为拒绝履行、不履行、迟延履行或不当履行等形式。拒绝履行可以发生在合同履行当日,也可发生在合同履行之前,此时构成预期违约〔anticipatory breach〕。合同一方违约,另一方有权要求其承担违约损害赔偿责任,并有权解除或终止合同,在某些案件中还可经由法院作出强制履行〔specific performance〕判决使合同得以实际履行。(→damages;performance)

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writ of inquiry

writ of inquiry. Hist. A writ ordering the sheriff to empanel a jury and act as judge in a trial held to determine the amount of damages suffered by a plaintiff who has won a default judgment on an unliquidated claim. [Cases: Damages 197. C.J.S. Damages § 324.]

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statuliber (stach-[schwa]-lI-b[schwa]r), n. [Latin] Roman law. A person whose freedom under a will is made conditional or postponed; a person who will be free at a particular time or when certain conditions are met. — Also written statu liber (stay-t[y]oo lI-b[schwa]r). “The statuliber is one who has freedom arranged to take effect on completion of

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