Search Results for: DAMAGE

general damages

Damages that the law presumes follow from the type of wrong complained of; specif., compensatory damages for harm that so frequently results from the tort for which a party has sued that the harm is reasonably expected and need not be alleged or proved. • General damages do not need to be specifically claimed. — […]

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damage in law

damage in law 普通法上的损害;损害法定权利 指虽未造成受害人的实际损害〔actual damage〕,但对其法定权利已构成侵害〔infringed〕。受害人仍可据此起诉,要求赔偿。例如,甲未经允许进入乙之土地,尽管并未因之而致乙遭受实际损害,但乙可以对甲提起侵入土地之诉〔trespass〕,要求获得名义上的损害赔偿金〔nominal damages〕。亦称作一般损害〔general damage〕,与实际损害或特定损害〔special damage〕相对。

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severance damages

In a condemnation case, damages awarded to a property owner for diminution in the fair market value of land as a result of severance from the land of the property actually condemned; compensation awarded to a landowner for the loss in value of the tract that remains after a partial taking of the land. [Cases:

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damage-cleer n. (英格兰古法)从损害赔偿金中收取的酬金 在涉及契约、非法侵占、殴打等损害赔偿额不确定的案件中,皇家民事法庭〔Court of Common Pleas〕、王座法庭〔Court of King’s Bench〕或财税法庭〔Exchequer〕可按不同比例从裁决的损害赔偿金中收取一定费用,以作为首席书记官〔prothonotary〕等人起草各种特别令状和诉状的额外报酬。原告需在首席书记官或执达官签发损害赔偿执行令状之前支付这笔费用。后来的立法取消了这一做法。之后如果这些法院中任何人以此名义或以其它方式收取费用,将被处以所收费用3倍数额的罚款。

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